Saturday, June 4, 2011
Where can I get my heater core changed?
I have a 92 corvette, and I need to have my heater core changed. I know its gunna cost a ton of money, but where can i get my heater core changed for the best price?|||any mechanic should be able to do it.Shop around|||first find the cause for it to burst,most likely the lower radiator hose,it has a spring inside that rust away,squeeze the hose if it feels soft or spongy then that%26#039;s your cause,put a low profile catch pan underneath to salvage the coolant then replace,i never owned a corvette so i don%26#039;t know if the core is under the hood or the dash. a radiator shop or other mechanic can handle the repair or replacement.|||Where are you located? We do them in house here.