Saturday, June 4, 2011

Heater doesn't work in Jeep, after changing heater core/thermo.?

Ok, so I%26#039;ve been working on getting some heat in my 92 Jeep Cherokee. I tried the thermostat first, thinking for sure that was the problem. Nope. So I checked my hoses, looking for clogs and such, I notcied nasty rust colored gunk on the inside of the heater core inlet/outlets. So I figured it was bad.

I ordered a new one and busted my butt putting it in, practically taking out my entire dash assembly in the freezing cold. On the way, I checked the operation of all my vents and they seemed to work fine. So anyways, long story short, I got it in and put everything back together. Fired it up, let it run for 25. Turned on the heat...practically started blowing snow. Tried vent, same story.

What the #$%@! I%26#039;m so frustrated. Give me some ideas, what am I not thinking of? I know the water pump is pumping strong. I%26#039;m just clueless. Help!!|||That%26#039;s one of theses that doesn%26#039;t sound but can be fixed, best would be go to a Good Radiator Shop, Explain everything to them and they%26#039;ll Check It. Is the Inlet Hose HOT with the Engine Hot?Is the Inlet Hose Hooked Hooked on the Block or Radiator Side of the Thermostat? If you have a Bad Temp. Sensor that could be part of it! If so you could have installed the New Thermostat Wrong and it%26#039;s Stuck Open?|||you should never bypass the control vlv for the heater that is what it is there for.cause the coolent gets it heat from the engine which works off the control which is a vaccum control vlv u need to hook back up in the loop the why it was|||Ouch...I know your pain...replaced the heater core Pont had to take apart the entire dash.

All I can say is........thermostat.....are you sure you got the right one....are you sure its working.....opening at the right temp.....I would make SURE that its OK before going any further....|||Sounds like you may have air pockets in the system. If you have bleeder valves on the hoses then check the coolant level in the radiator not the overflow tank to make sure it is full then run the jeep then open the valves one at a time to bleed off the air and if there are no valves then loosen the heater outlet hose so air can bleed out as the system is filled.|||Because you%26#039;ve got air in the system. With the car cool, start it up and open the radiator. fill it with coolant till it%26#039;s full, then wait till the thermostat opens. The level will drop. Fill it again and let it run till it starts to backflush, then cap it and you should be good to go.