Thursday, October 6, 2011

Need the procedure to change the heater core on a '65 mustang?

This is not a difficult core to change, especially in a non A/C car as most '65's were. My best advise is to obtain a manual or go to the library and read up if they have an old Motor's or Chilton's manual for it. The other thing you might want to look at while there is the vent box condition as these cars have a history of rust caused water leaks from the vent intake. This would be easier to fix both at the same time while you are there. Good luck!
Need the procedure to change the heater core on a '65 mustang?
heater case comes out after glove box card board removal 6cyl cars have a bolt behind the cylender head [buy a cheap wrench and heat w/ a torch to bend to fit] i dont remember any v8 troubles unless it had ac added.
Need the procedure to change the heater core on a '65 mustang?
If you need additional help try this mustang forum it's great.
If its anything like my fairlane, and it should because the mustang was built using my car and t-bird tech, all your bolts should be on the firewall to remove the whole thing, then two cables, one electrical plug, then take that box apart, on your own with that, I only took it out, I didn't have to replace the heater core.
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